Powering Canada’s
Economic Growth

Supply Chain Canada sets the standards for excellence and ethics, and is the principal source of professional development and accreditation in supply chain management in Canada. As the voice of the industry, Supply Chain Canada is always at the table to enrich discussions surrounding policy and regulatory reforms


Professionals Advancing the Future

For more than a 100 years, Supply Chain Canada has been the country’s largest association for supply chain professionals.

We are 4,000 members strong and growing, also representing the wider profession that includes the breadth of supply chain roles such as sourcing, procurement, logistics, inventory, transportation, distribution, operations, sustainability, replenishment, and contract management.

Professional Development for Every Stage in Your Career

For those who have an interest in supply chain management, from current practitioners to other business professionals and students, Supply Chain Canada is the place for you.


Join Us.
Be Part of More Than a 100 Years of Canadian Excellence

Member benefits include:

Corporate On-Site Training
Career Opportunities & Development
Member Advocacy & Recognition
Special Discounts
And much more!


Supply Chain Education & Training

Supply Chain Management Professional Designation

The SCMP™ accreditation is Canada’s principal and most sought after professional designation for those entering the profession and advancing as leaders in supply chain.



  • The SCMP designation is about connections. I was connected to instructors who were knowledgeable, approachable, and committed to my success. The structured approach connected me to leadership, strategic, and practical concepts that I could immediately apply to my job. Most appreciatively, I was connected to peers across diverse sectors creating an amazing network of on-going learning, professional, and personal relationships.

    Landon M. Modien, SCMP, Alberta

  • SMT program helped me not just theoretical knowledge, but from a practical point of view on how to develop a plan to deal with issues more effectively and put together a process that allowed me to work in a structured way towards finding a solution. This is a program which puts me as a supply chain professional within the right framework. It guided me to define and understand my job as a valuable member of our organization. The expertise and knowledge I gained through this program helped me on my SCMP designation journey.

    Anthony Sullano, SCMP candidate, British Columbia

  • The information provided throughout the program was valuable and had many practical applications that could be used immediately in my workplace. I highly recommend the program to those who are interested in Supply Chain Management.

    Jackie Curry, CSCMP Graduate

  • I am a recent graduate of the SCMP designation and have achieved tremendous gratitude and appreciation for all of the advice and incredible knowledge that I have gained from each and every instructor in this program. I’ve gained more than I could have imagined through this incredible experience; although challenging at times this was the best course of action I could have taken given our ever changing industry in Supply Chain.

    Matt Galbraith, CSCMP Graduate


Supply Chain Canada
July 19, 2024
Announcement Regarding Our CEO

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Supply Chain Canada, we announce the retirement of our President and Chief Executive Officer, Martin Montanti, which will be effective as of October 2024.  Martin has served as the CEO of Supply Chain Canada for over two years.


Supply Chain Canada
May 16, 2024
Update To Our Members Nationally

 As a national organization with over 100 years of supply chain expertise, that has been providing critical skills, networking opportunities, and advocacy for its members, Supply Chain Canada, at its core, will put the needs of our members first, always.


Supply Chain Canada
February 07, 2024
Message to our Members

As January comes to an end and we look forward to the year ahead, we are taking this time to update our members on some of the challenges and victories Supply Chain Canada has experienced over the last year.



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