Who We Are
Supply Chain Canada is a nationwide association, in existence for more than 104 years. We are the principal source of supply chain training, education, and professional development. We create critical networking opportunities, provide valuable engagements for member feedback and professional input. We advocate for members and their careers with governments and businesses across the country. Our member-centered approach is focused on advancing the needs and interests of supply chain professionals working across the end-to-end supply chain. Through our 10 Provincial and Territorial Institutes, Supply Chain Canada grants the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) designation, the highest achievement in the field and the mark of strategic leadership.
To provide leadership to the Canadian supply chain community, provide value to all members, and advance the profession.
Drive Opportunity
Feed Education
Command Evolution

We are Canada’s largest association for supply chain management professionals. We represent 7,500 members in the largest sectors of the economy, and the wider profession working in roles that cover sourcing, procurement, logistics, inventory and contract management. Our reach and primacy enables us to unite the industry, support enterprise, promote industry success and lead innovation.
Education empowers the profession. By investing in continual career-long learning and curated information, we create the knowledge and skill competencies necessary to succeed in our industry. Supply chains are the backbone of the economy. Canada is the prosperous, revered nation it is today because of the continued work of almost a million innovative supply chain professionals - we are their voice.
Supply Chain Canada powers the country’s transformation. By strengthening the coordination of resources, enabling growth, investing in technology and supporting revolutionary innovations, we maintain a vibrant industry and our place within it. We are Supply Chain Canada and this is our industry.
The Impact of What We Do
A Country Looks to Us
Canada’s supply chain enables $1 trillion worth of goods movement and is ranked among the top 20 nations in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index. The standard of living we enjoy is directly linked to the professional practice of supply chain management.