Supply Chain Management Professional Designation


Supply Chain Canada has temporarily placed the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway on hold, as we work on relaunching future program improvements. We will begin accepting applications again mid-July to allow for processing ahead of the Fall Term.

Pathways to SCMP Designation

Want to earn Canada’s most widely held and sought-after supply chain designation, but questioning whether you can make the commitment? We now offer pathways to the designation that may be just what you need to kick-start your journey! Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathways can help you save time and money enabling you to simply fill in the gaps in your learning without having to repeat things you have already learned.

Supply Chain Canada™ understands that effective learning takes place in a variety of contexts from the classroom to the workplace and is delivered by other organizations within the ecosystem such as universities and colleges, employers, and other associations. In fact, this alternative learning can be highly relevant and valuable. Our RPL pathway recognizes the prior learning that you have achieved through academic institutions, professional associations, corporate training programs, work experience and/or military service and provides advanced standing into the SCMP™ Designation Program through certain SCMP coursework exemptions.


Save Time & Money

Earn Canada’s Key Credential

Accelerate Your Career

We understand and appreciate how valuable one’s time is in today’s world. Our role is to help facilitate your career growth and provide efficient pathways for you, all while maintaining the necessary standards of the profession.

Recognizing this prior learning can reduce training and certification time, motivate those working within supply chain to access further training and credentials, help employers enhance their own understanding of the capabilities and potential of their employees, and guide academic institutions on core areas of learning. All of this will help to elevate our profession!

Find out more about SCMP pathways and take the leap to accelerate your career!

How RPL Works

RPL is the process used to identify, document, assess and recognize capabilities. For Supply Chain Canada, this assessment is then compared against the coursework requirements of the SCMP Designation Program and certain coursework exemptions may be applied.

Supply Chain Canada’s National Office is responsible for the evaluation of your RPL application and the administration of advanced standing through coursework exemptions. Following your review, our provincial and territorial institutes are responsible for assessing your entry requirements and enrolling you into the SCMP Designation Program.

The normal applicant process route is to first make an RPL application and, upon notification of advanced standing, then make an application for admission into the SCMP Designation Program where you will complete any required coursework, attend the SCMP Leadership Residency, and write the SCMP National Exam. In some cases, however, an SCMP (candidate)™ (i.e. an individual already enrolled in the program) may wish to make an RPL application while in the program. In such cases, the individual will be reviewed as per this policy prior to registering for additional coursework.

The RPL pathway is currently being updated and a new, improved program will be made available soon.

Academic Programs

In order to make the pathways into the SCMP even more efficient for you, we have signed a number of accreditation agreements with universities and colleges across Canada and internationally. These agreements provide for certain block exemptions so that graduates of these programs understand, and are assured of, the advanced standing that they will receive towards the SCMP.

Applicants from one of our recognized post-secondary institutions will only be required to show proof of completion and grades, after which their application will be reviewed. For those eligible, this is a fantastic opportunity to put your academic learning towards Canada’s principal designation in supply chain. For those applicants presenting prior learning from a recognized Canadian or international post-secondary institution that is not covered within the scope of these agreements, they will be required to submit further information.

To view the academic institutions and their programs, please click below:


Other Professional Associations

Along with the above academic programs, Supply Chain Canada has entered into accreditation agreements with other professional associations whose course learnings fall within the scope of the SCMP designation. Gaining SCMP coursework exemptions from these associations is easier.

Applicants presenting prior learning from another professional association not covered within the scope of these institutional agreements will be required to submit more detailed documentation. If your association does not have an agreement with Supply Chain Canada you may wish to encourage them to do so!

To view the associations and their programs, please click below:


Canadian Armed Forces Training & Service

Supply Chain Canada recognizes that those serving our country receive world-class education and training during their military careers and are highly skilled in many supply chain areas such as sourcing, procurement, logistics, inventory, transportation, distribution and operations. We want to ensure that they can use this training and skill towards the SCMP designation.

Supply Chain Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) reached an agreement granting specific exemptions for those who have completed Supply Officer training with advanced standing toward the SCMP designation. To view the current accredited armed forces training programs, please click the link below.

SCMP coursework exemptions are available for other military service and training but may require additional documentation during the RPL application. Opening up a pathway for our soldiers will help to transition them more quickly and seamlessly into valuable, in-demand civilian roles in supply chain. This is good for our soldiers and veterans, good for business, and good for Canada

To view the current accredited armed forces training programs, please click the link below:


Other Learning & Work Experience

In addition to the above, we can also assess other learning and training programs, including corporate in-house training, as well as learning gained through work experience or other non-traditional forms of learning.

In some cases we may enter into accreditation agreements with employers or training organizations to make it easier for you to understand your potential SCMP coursework exemptions. But if not, Supply Chain Canada is still open to reviewing these other learning and training experiences to provide you the best pathway to the SCMP.

If you would like more information, please contact your local institute.
