Leadership Series: Healthcare Supply Chain

In an environment where measures of success attain new levels of complexity every day, the Leadership Series - attended by over 500 supply chain professionals in 2019-20 (the launch year of Leadership Series) and 1,800+ participants, 15+ partners in 2020-21 (when we went 100% virtual), is designed to inspire supply chain and procurement professionals to build and scale their career trajectories.
With installments such as Women in Supply Chain, Digital Transformation in Supply Chain, Sustainable Supply Chain, Public Sector, we are proud to add our newest installment of Leadership Series: Healthcare Sector.
8:45 - 9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00 – 10:30 AM Align a Supply Chain Strategy to Maximize Long Term Success in Reducing Cost and Improving Outcomes
Canada's healthcare system is both complex and interdependent where hospitals, provincial agencies, long term healthcare, public health and primary care all play a critical role. A significant continuing issue is the lack of integration across the system, which ultimately impacts the patients. A leading supply chain system can contribute to healthcare innovation, look out for technological changes, lower healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes.
EVP, Business Operations
Provincial Health Services Authority, BC
VP, Clinical, Healthcare
Nova Scotia Lands
Vice President, Value-Based Care, Population Health and Value Based Health Systems
Ontario Health
Vice President, Sourcing
Partner, Consulting & Deals
10:30 – 10:45 AM Break
10:45 – 11:45 AM Sustainable Supply Chain Operations
Sustainability is a core pillar in long term strategy for supply chains. It is important to embed sustainability into your culture and operations and engage your suppliers with your vision and targets to help you achieve your goals.
Director, Environmental Compliance, Energy & Sustainability
University Health Network
i3 Advantage
Vice President, Pharmacy
Executive Director
Canadian Coalition for Green Health
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM Lunch Break
12:15 – 1:15 PM Managing Supplier Risks Effectively and Developing Strategic Supplier Relationship
Supplier partnerships when aligned around common values and interests, benefit all parties from the increase in shared accountability and the development of more tailored, effective supply chain solution.
Director, Supplier Relationship Management
Director Procurement & Supply Chain
Hamilton Health Sciences
VP, Operations
Shared Service West
VP, Industry Relations
1:15 – 1:30 PM Break
1:30 – 2:30 PM Becoming Resilient and Establishing an Effective Continuity Process
Supply chain resilience in navigating disruptions and meeting customer needs were brought to forefront during the pandemic. Ensuring the effectiveness of supply, maintenance of a product and continuity of services remains a major challenge.
Director, Provincial Supply Chain
Shared Health (Manitoba)
Provincial Supply Chain Director
Central Health (NL)
Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Digital Health Strategist, CISOM & Supply Chain
2:30 – 2:45 PM Break
2:45 – 3:45 PM Building Data Driven Supply Chains to Maximize Operational Excellence
Adoption of cloud-based technologies that can be coupled with supply chain data will drive transparency and insights needed to help make informed decisions and reduce cost of patient care.
VP, Services & Healthcare Solutions
Cardinal Health
Interim Lead, Strategy and Information Technology
Supply Ontario
Director Supply Chain Solutions
Zebra Technologies
VP, Federal Affairs & Health Systems
Medtech Canada
3:45 - 4:00 PM Closing Comments
4:00 - 5:00 PM Networking
Scott MacNair
EVP, Business Operations Provincial Health Services Authority, BC
Dale Thomson
Vice President, Sourcing Plexxus
Moderator: Angela Ma
Partner, Consulting & Deals PwC
Patricia Moser
Principal i3 Advantage
Christine Donaldson
Vice President, Pharmacy HealthPro
Robin Simons
Director Procurement & Supply Chain Hamilton Health Sciences
Pooja Nagra
Director, Supplier Relationship Management OECM
Jeff Porubcansky
VP, Services & Healthcare Solutions Cardinal Health
ED RUBINSTEIN Director, Environmental Compliance, Energy & Sustainability University Health Network
Danny Shields
VP, Industry Relations Avetta
Maria Cendou
Director, Provincial Supply Chain Shared Health (Manitoba)
John Mavriyannakis
Interim Lead, Strategy and Information Technology Supply Ontario
Dr. Alex D. Mitchell
VP, Clinical, Healthcare Nova Scotia Lands
Dov Klein
Vice President, Value-Based Care, Population Health and Value Based Health Systems Ontario Health
Neil Ritchie
Executive Director Canadian Coalition for Green Health
Tony Williams
Provincial Supply Chain Director Central Health (NL)
Colleen Metge
Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences University of Manitoba
Tammy Quigley
VP, Operations Shared Service West
Nancy L. Pakieser
Digital Health Strategist, CISOM & Supply Chain HIMSS
Mark Wheeler
Director Supply Chain Solutions Zebra Technologies
Raj Malik
VP, Federal Affairs & Health Systems Medtech Canada
As the Healthcare Industry continues to evolve, take back actionable insights to your organization and build the growth map for a resilient, sustainable and long-term supply chain.
What time does the event end?
The event ends at 5 PM EDT.
Do I need to self report this event for CPD credits?
For this particular event, we will add the CPD points for anyone who attended to your profile within one week following the event.
How do I register a group?
Please contact Alisha Seguin at [email protected] or 416-977-7566 x2150
Is the $99 group rate for both Members and Non Members
Yes, if there is a minimum of 4 attendees, the group rate applies to both members and non members in the group. *Non Members will receive a complimentary membership if they are an Ontario resident and have not been a member before.
I am a Non Member, is membership included with my registration?
A complimentary membership is included with any paid non member registration if the attendee is an Ontario resident and has not been a member before.
I purchased a group registration already, how can I add another registrant to my group?
Please contact Alisha Seguin at [email protected] and she can help you register any additional attendee(s).
Will my contact details be shared with partners/sponsors?
We will not share any contact details unless you explicitly opt-in during registration. However, we will share your name, title, and company. If you wish to not share this information, please opt-out during registration.
Leadership Series 3.0 Passport
We want to thank you, our members, for your support of our Association and for the tremendous resiliency you have demonstrated during a difficult time. With gratitude, we would like to give back to our members by offering free access to all 4 installments of our Leadership Series, our flagship offering, when you renew your membership by January 23, 2022 (Ontario Members only). You can renew here.
As you may know already, our Leadership Series has grown exponentially in the past year. In an environment where measures of success attain new levels of complexity every day, the Leadership Series - attended by over 500 supply chain professionals when launched in 2019-20 - is designed to inspire supply chain professionals to build and scale their career trajectories.
With installments such as Women in Supply Chain, Digital Transformation in Supply Chain, Sustainable Supply Chain, Public Sector Supply Chain, and Healthcare Supply Chain, our Leadership Series in 2021 was a 100% virtual and had over 2,000 participants. You can view highlights from previous leadership series here.
To get access to the Leadership Passport, please renew through the Member Portal.
Regular Price - Members save almost $600 (Leadership Series is regularly priced at $149 per installment).
Want to sign up as an Employer Group?
If you have several members in your organization, you can renew as a group to take advantage of single invoicing and discounted employer group rates. You can also sign up your colleagues as new members in your group.
Discounted employer group rates are:
- For a group of 5-9: $389.50 per person. SAVE 5%
- For a group of 10-14: $369.00 per person. SAVE 10%
- For a group of 15+: $348.50 per person. SAVE 15%
Terms & Conditions
- New employer groups can include new and existing members in their group membership roster. New Memberships will be activated starting in January 2022.
- Membership and the Leadership Passport are non-transferable.
- All renewal payments must be made by January 23, 2022 to be eligible for the Leadership Passport.
- To cancel registration for any installment of the Leadership Series, please let us know 48 hours prior to the event. Please note that failure to inform us on time will entail a penalty of $149 + HST per ticket.
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Tran at [email protected].
Leadership Series 3.0: Digital Transformation of Supply Chain
Recent studies have highlighted that globally CEOs consider technological disruption an opportunity, not a threat. While many organizations are on their way to achieving the status of a ‘digital enterprise’, the struggle for relating this to ROI still remains. Industry 4.0, IoT, machine learning, automation, robotics, and many game-changing technologies have changed the way supply chain operations take place in the post-COVID world. This event aims to empower you with tools and best practices that can help build your organization’s digital roadmap to success.
Location: Zoom virtual platform
Time: 8:45AM – 3:30 PM EST
Leadership Series 3.0: Sustainable Supply Chain
As customer behavior changes and consumer goods industries adapt various methodologies to meet the shifting, demanding pattern, one of the key factors governing the success of these industries is their sustainability performance. With pledges and treaties from governments and industry leaders, emphasis on reliable procurement of energy and natural resources, cognizance of ethical procurement of goods and services – sustainable supply chain is definitely a top priority for forward thinking organizations. Learn more about tools used, success stories and more importantly the how-to’s in getting started with your sustainability roadmap.
Location: Zoom virtual platform
Time: 8:45AM – 3:30 PM EST
Leadership Series 3.0: Women in Supply Chain
The Canadian supply chain landscape has transformed in many ways in the last few years. One of the transformations has been around women attaining decision making roles within their organizations. The pandemic itself has brought supply chain as a profession to the forefront, which in turn entails a future where more women will find themselves taking up pivotal roles within their teams. Join some of these women and those who have supported their journeys.
Non-member registration will include a membership until April 30, 2023 (for ON residents and new members only
Location: Zoom virtual platform
Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT
Leadership Series 3.0: Supplier Diversity
The term diversity has evolved over the last decade, but never quite as fast as it has in the last 2 years. While a few years back supplier diversity primarily referred to suppliers from underrepresented groups like women owned businesses, or small-scale businesses or minority owned businesses, today the realm of diversity has expanded to far more communities such as the Indigenous People, LGBTQ, communities with disabilities and more. It is no longer a choice, but an imperative for an organization to be consciously selective of their suppliers and give back to the customers by paving way for underserved communities to shine. This day will tackle how supplier diversity strategy not just helps the suppliers but also your supply chain operations and customer expectation management.
Non-member registration will include a membership until April 30, 2023 (for ON residents and new members only
Location: Zoom virtual platform
Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT
Leadership Series 3.0: Public Sector
Date: June 23, 2022
Registration Deadline: June 21, 2022
For registration enquiries: Katie Cheshire at [email protected]
For sponsorship enquiries: Kim Sforza at [email protected]
Public Sector has experienced more changes than ever in the past two years. And supply chain in the public sector has been evolving ever since. We have been leading public sector focused initiatives since the beginning of 2020 and this 1-Day event amplifies some of the pertinent issues that are impacting public sector decisions today such as procurement’s influence on organization effectiveness, move towards digital procurement, sustainable procurement, , the importance of supplier diversity, and more.
- Leadership Teams
- Strategic Procurement Teams
- Purchasing and Sourcing Teams
- Supplier Diversity Teams
- Sustainability Teams
- Federal, Provincial, Municipal Healthcare Officials
"Supply Chain Canada - Ontario Institute continues to raise the bar for collaboration across the procurement industry. Their leadership sessions are best-in-class."
Chris Penny, CEO, Kinetic GPO"The diverse topics, thoughtful content and expert panelists in today's session were excellent. I found the full day session engaging up until the last minute! Thanks for all the hard work putting this session together."
Jackie OstiThe Public Sector Leadership series should be a "MUST" for all Ontario government procurement folks. It was very informative and the format was perfect. Well done!!"
Nick Flores"Time well spent. Got to hear from top supply chain professionals and had an opportunity to connect with others across the country."
Kerri Ann Daniels