Introduction to food and health products cold chain management

The cold chain is an essential element of our contemporary societies to feed and care for the populations, with multiple stakes in particular sanitary, environmental and economic:
- 90% of food poisoning in the world is due to poor management of the cold chain
- According to the WHO, nearly 70% of manufactured vaccines are lost for the same reasons
- Cold production represents 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 20% of global electricity consumption
- Nearly half of what is produced each year in Canada is lost or wasted, about 15% of these losses are due to cold chain breaks.
During this webinar we will discuss
- The major issues of the cold chain
- The means and equipment of the cold chain
- Best practices for a safe and sustainable cold chain.
- “To understand the major cold chain challenges
- To develop awareness of cold chain means and equipment and their performances
- To identify and present the best practices
- To present potential improvements and savings that can be realized”.
- The cold chain, its major issues, and its economic, social, health and environmental importance
- The key actors of the cold chain from the producer to the consumer
- Equipment, practices and uses of the cold chain
- The management strategies of a safe and sustainable cold chain
- The performances and savings of an efficient cold chain
- Awareness training for your partners
Thibault Guyon
Responsable developpement des affaires Tecnea
Thibault Guyon graduated from the Ecole Catholique des Arts et Métiers of Lyon. In 2017, he began his career in the manufacturing of production equipment for the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries, from the design to the commissioning, including manufacturing supervision, installation and operator training. In 2022 he joined the Tecnea group where he worked successively in the expertise, testing, transportation and certification branches, before joining Tecnea Canada as business development manager.
- To master the main challenges of the cold chain for food and health products
- To be able to apprehend the cold chain environment
- To master means of improving operational, financial and quality management performance
- To master means of reducing risks, food losses and GHG emissions associated with effective cold chain management
Supply Chain Optimization, The Infinite Marathon
Wednesday, September 7
Quebec: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET
Nova Scotia: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. AT
Newfoundland and Labrador: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. NT
This event will be bilingual with English and French presenters and simultaneous translation will be available.
There will be prizes during the event!
Disruptions in the supply chain are not new and will certainly rear its ugly head in the future. We don’t have a crystal ball to tell you when that will happen but being prepared is the next best thing. Think of it as a marathon, you would much rather be running with the leaders at the front.
Unpredictable & vulnerable supply chains enhance the need for agile, accurate, resilient and scalable solutions. Integrating artificial intelligence, machine learning, scenario planning and predictive analytics will be your leg up on the current and future disruptions.
- Supply Chain Management Professionals
- Transportation and Logistics Coordinators
- Quality Managers